OUR SERVICES / Termite Control
Termite (also known as 'white ant' ) cause serious damage to wooden doors, windows, cabinets, furniture, carpets, electrical wiring, books, documents, clothes, etc. Homes without any termite-proofing treatment; generally become infested within two to three years of construction. There is a common misconception in this country that termite infestation can not be prevented or eradicated. In fact, very effective curative and preventive treatments against termites are available. Termite-proofing is a chemical treatment process that remains effective for long period of time.
Pre-construction Termite-Proofing
When applied during the construction of the building, it protects the building from termite infestation at least for ten years. Pre-construction preventive termite-proofing treatment involves the application of an appropriate long residual pesticide on the floor bed just prior to the brick soiling stage. In addition to this a pesticide- treated soil barrier is also created around the plinth of the building.
- Soil treatment
-Treatment for masonry foundations and basements
- Treatment for RCC foundations and basements
- Treatment at the junction of walls and the floor.
-Treatment of soil along external perimeter of building.
-Treatment of soil under apron along external perimeter of building.
- Treatment for walls retaining soil above floor level
- Treatment of soil surrounding pipes wastes and conduits.
- Treatment for expansion joints.
Post-Construction Termite-Proofing
Eradication and prevention of termite infestation in already constructed buildings. Pesticide with long residual action is injected through drill-holes made at infested areas of the building.
Especially along the wall-floor joints. Mitheela Pest Control has extensive experience in dealing with difficult termite problems. All our service technicians are experienced and skilled in termite-proofing treatment methods.
- Soil treatment
- Treatment along outside of foundations.
- Treatment of soil under floor.
- Treatment to voids in masonry.
- Treatment to wood works.
- Treatment of termite runways and tubes.
- Treatment of electric fixtures.
Service Charge Rate
Service charge for termite control depends on the extent of work that needs to be done in a building. The service charge rate for termite control treatment is based on the basic structural items of a building.