Before spraying operation starts, the following precautionary measures should be taken by the homeowners / occupants to ensure a safe and effective pest control operation.
The residents, specially the children and elderly, should leave the house before the start of the spraying. Two hours after the spraying operation they may return to the house. Before using the house, doors and windows should be kept open for some time for proper ventilation.
During the spraying operation, a person designated by the homeowner / occupants should stay with the Pest Control Technicians. He will identify the locations of inspection pits (chambers), service pipes, and other locations where pests hide and breed. Our Technicians will spray these areas. He will also identify the underground and overhead water tanks. Spraying should NOT be done on or close to the water tanks. It is requested that he should stay with the Pest Control Team during the entire length of the work.
Pets such as cat, dog, birds, etc. should be relocated to a safe place before the spraying work starts. They may be kept on the roof safely during the spraying operation. The aquarium fish are very sensitive to pesticides. Before the spraying operation, the aquarium should be covered with cloth sheet or paper. The Technicians should be told about the location of the aquarium. No spraying should be done on and around the aquarium.
Before the spraying operation starts, all eatable materials (cooked food, fruits, breads, etc.) should be kept inside the refrigerator or in a safe place under cover of polythene sheets or cloth. Edible food materials (rice, potato, onions, vegetables, cooking oil, etc.) should be removed from the kitchen cabinets and placed in a safe place under polythene sheets or paper.
If there is any accidental spillage of pesticide on any eatable or edible food material, put the contaminated material in a plastic bag. Bring the incidence to our notice immediately. Our Technicians will dispose off the contaminated material properly. Contaminated food materials may NOT be thrown at regular garbage dump.
Please note that the Pest Control Technicians will apply insecticide at the dosage as instructed by the Head of Mitheela Pest Control. They have instructions not to exceed the recommended dosage limit when asked, requested, or even ordered by the homeowners / occupants. They will also not apply insecticide to areas which may violate the safety guidelines. Homeowners / occupants are requested not to ask the Technicians to increase the dosage of insecticide. The Technicians are not authorized to spray at higher than recommended dosage.
If for any unavoidable reason, the spraying operation has to be postponed, please inform Mitheela Pest Control immediately to Call at 9827083644.
If you need further information, please call Mitheela Pest Control.
Call any of these numbers: 9827083644, 9926102010.
Ask for Mr. Jahangir Hussain or Mr. Vikar Hussain